Meet Crimebuster- Divya Pandey, CAMS!

1. Describe yourself and currently where you are located and working

My name is Divya Pandey, I am a dedicated and sincere retail banker by profession with variety of practical experience in branch operations. I have sound knowledge of Banking rule, regulations & guidelines, and its application on the job to promote fair banking practice. Currently located in Mississauga, Canada and working as a client advisor intern with Royal Bank of Canada.

2. How Many years of work experiences you have and tell us your employment history 

Eight years of work experience in a public sector bank is what I possess. I joined as a probationary officer in the year 2011 and have worked in different capacities and in different branches. I got promoted to the next level of middle management in 2015. I have also headed three branches during my tenure. India being the world’s second populous country I have had rich experience in handling customers of various categories and mindset.


3. What does your typical day look like at your job? 

A typical day in my earlier job was meeting customers, solving their problems ranging from debit card activation to deceased claim settlement, ATM dispute redressal to deposit renewal, Cash management to human resource management, compliance of various statutory obligations to appraisal of credit proposals, managing risk factors to tackling bad debts. This was a typical day other than liaising with controlling office personnel and making outdoor visits for deposit mobilization and recovery drive.

4. Describe your knowledge and experiences in the field of financial crime detection and prevention field.

This field requires a lot of exposure and in my previous tenure with public sector bank in India I came across many instances of fraud/attempted frauds committed by some unscrupulous elements. To narrate a few of those in some of the branches I worked the following financial crimes took place and some preventive measures taken: 

  1. Car loans were sanctioned and the loan disbursed to non-existent fictitious concerns who were not real car dealers. Upon investigation our team discovered that the concerned official did not undertake proper due diligence to verify the end use.
  2. Clearing cheques were stolen from the cheque box and encased by unscrupulous elements from the payee bank. In this case branch CCTV cameras were helpful to identify the fraudster.
  3. Request for changing mobile numbers & e-mail address in savings accounts with high balances. This type of request used to be very frequent. Such instances were cautioned by the Bank through constant circulation of messages among the staff members. 
  4. Request for activation of dormant savings accounts. Such cases came to light during demonetization period (late 2016). This was done by money mules to deposit cash in their accounts given by Local politicians, real estate agents, high rank Govt. officials and many such people who had access to huge cash. When asked about the source of fund and need for sudden activation of accounts they showed reluctance to answer those questions. In addition to that, these mules were visiting different branches many times during the day even knowing the fact that branches are encountering huge rush. This made us dig deeper in their accounts and we reported to our controlling office AML team for further investigation.  

5.Why you want to /have chosen the career in AML/CFT?


Out of the wide spectrum of banking related subjects this one pertaining to AML/CFT interest me firstly for the reason as it comes organically to me. I can invest my entire career to learn and contribute in this field. I enjoy mostly the fact that how a banker can be instrumental in helping law enforcement to eradicate crime by using his/her analytical and investigative mind. Secondly, we are duty bound to protect the money of the depositors who have reposed faith in us.

6. What are the challenges in this field you perceive to be? 

Challenges are many in the field of Financial Crime. With the technological advancement the perpetrators of fraud keep inventing newer methods and avenues to continue their illegal and criminal activities and exploit the ignorance of others to their advantage. As a first and second line of defense our responsibility is to stay vigil and work in tandem with our AML team to safeguard our financial institute.

7. Do you have any suggestions for fellow compliance professionals? How one can upskill him/herself.

We need to update ourselves on daily basis through attending seminars, discussion forum, reading national and international Fin Crime articles, blogs, listening to Podcasts. I mean, we have to literally engage ourselves in every possible way to know the trends in AML/CFT space. We all are aware that financial crimes are too many and on the increase. One must Keep their mind alert and eyes open.

8. Do you dream big?  Where you want to see yourself in the future?

Yes, I have a mega dream and is not a day dream. I wish to reach the position of head of financial intelligence wing of a country. The Position which enables me to work with FIUs of other nations to fight collaboratively against money laundering and terrorist financing. 

9. What is your biggest achievement in life that still makes you feel proud of yourself?

My biggest achievement in life has been when my efforts to start international career became fruitful this year by migrating from India to Canada. I wanted to expand my career horizon from local to global. Certainly, joining a new workforce in a different geography has its own challenges nonetheless I am willing to go that extra mile. I am also humbly proud that I achieved my CAMS (Certified anti-Money Laundering Certification) to kick start my journey in new country which is my new home now.

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